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brush stroke infinite circular swirl

acupuncture / herbal medicine / shiatsu


Thin, sterile, single-use needles


Teishin (on skin, non-insertive)


Chinese/Japanese style

Relieve chronic pain


Reduce inflammation


Increase circulation

Increase antioxidant activity


Boost immunity

Treat complex physiological conditions and symptoms

Fascia wraps around needle -->

biomechanical cellular shape/structure changes -->

molecular (genetic) changes --> biochemical, bioelectrical cascades = brain changes + targeted physiological change

glass fire cupping

Cupping Therapy 


glass (or silicone) cups

(stationary or moving)


manual pump



Therapeutic "sha" 


Relieve chronic pain.


Increase range of motion.


Reduce inflammation.


Increase blood flow.


Boost immunity.


Cleanse toxins. 

moxa warming needle

Dried Mugwort Herb

(Ai Ye)

Warming Needle


Rice Grain (direct)

TDP heat lamp

Light + Heat


TDP Heat Lamps 

Heated Stone Mats

Warms cold

Reduces pain

Increases metabolism

Increases circulation

Speeds tissue healing

Resonant wavelength ~ mother's touch

Reduced inflammation

Boosts immunity

Increases energy

gua sha tools

Scraping Pressure 

Therapeutic "sha"


Relieve muscle pain and tension.


Break up tissue adhesions and scar tissue.


Reduce inflammation.


 Benefit the immune system.


Protect against oxidative stress.

electro-stimulation machine with cords

Electro-stimulation (e-stim) 

Needle Stimulation Rate

Increase therapeutic effects.

Increase pain reduction.

Increase anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects for tissue regeneration.

Increase endogenous opioid production.

White Sand and Stone

Tuning Forks


Crystal Sound Bowls


Physiological Change



Reflexology Foot Massage

Biomechanical pressure     ------> physiological change


Via biomechanical, molecular (genetic), and biochemical pathways


 Creates beneficial brain changes and addresses physiological symptoms.

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Single Herbs + Formulas

Custom or Classical

Internal or Topical

Tablets, Bulk (dried raw or processed roots, stems, leaves, flowers), or Granule

Western Botanicals

Single Herbs + Formulas

Custom or Classical

Bulk (dried raw roots, stems, leaves, flowers)


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